Winthrop University
Rock Hill, SC
Directed by Rachel Dawson
Set Design by Daniel Gordon
Costume Design by Leslie Cook
Lighting Design by Biff Edge
The underlying theme of Pippin is not the choice between good and evil/life and death. It is between reality and non-‐reality, the true and the magical and its intimate message of finding joy in the simple things in life.
The Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival
Jupiter, FL
Directed by Kevin Crawford
Scenic/Lighting Design by Daniel Gordon
Costume Design by Penny Williams
If reality is nothing but infinite and eternal emptiness and darkness, as imagined in this post 9-11 apocalyptic world, existence for each of us provides a moment of light in which we are able to see around us.
Palm Beach Atlantic University
West Palm Beach, FL
Directed by Don Butler
Lighting Design by Daniel Gordon
Scenic Design by Ann Cadaret
Costume Design by Penny Williams
Cabaret shows us what may happen when otherwise good people do not stand up to tyranny and bigotry. Light is used to accentuate the "safe" confines and escapism of the Kit Kat Club, and contrast to the ensuing "anschluss".
A Flea in Her Ear
Maltz Jupiter Theatre
Jupiter, FL
Directed by Kermit Christman
Lighting Design by Daniel Gordon
Scenic Design by Ann Cadaret
Costume Design by Costume World
A Flea in Her Ear is filled with clever and funny word play, highlighting the hypocrisy of the sexual mores of the upper middle classes at the turn of twentieth century France. Everything is seen. Nothing is hidden
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, SC
Directed by Stephen Gundersheim
Lighting Design by Daniel Gordon
Scenic Design by Anna Sartin
Costume Design by Janet Gray
Urinetown is a social satire that explores issues of political revolution, capitalist greed, and environmental calamity. Using elements of Brecht's epic theatre, I worked to create a world that reminded us of the theatricality of all around us.
The Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Directed by Kermit Christman
Lighting Design by Daniel Gordon
Costume Design by Sera Peat
Edgar Allan Poe believed that certain common features of writing leave an emotional impact on readers. This approach touches readers' emotions as well. This" unity of effect" is seen in my lighting by using natural elements to reflect Poe's inner turmoil and outward struggle.
Something's Afoot
Palm Beach Atlantic University
West Palm Beach, FL
Directed by Don Butler
Lighting Design /Set by Daniel Gordon
Costume Design by Penny Williams
I based this design on the art work of Edward Gorey, with the set feeling like one of his books come to life.
Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival
Jupiter, FL
Directed by Trent Stephens
Lighting/Set Design by Daniel Gordon
Costume Design by Sera Peat
Something is rotten in Denmark, and it is rotting from within. This court of Elsinore depicts the destruction caused by excess.
PBSF's home is an outdoor amphitheater , and attracts up 2000 patrons each evening.
Love's Labour's Lost
Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival
Jupiter, FL
Directed by Trent Stephens
Lighting Design /Set by Daniel Gordon
Costume Design by Malinda Ratliff
Set in the lap of luxury before the ruins of Cypress. While a light comedy, there was a poignant moment where I used rain as a metaphor for the sorrows of loss and the weight of the crown.
She Kills Monsters
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, SC
Directed by Matt Ferrell
Set Design by Daniel Gordon
Costume Design by Janet Gray
Lighting Design by Anna Sartin
Monster Design by Cher Lambeth
With homicidal fairies, cranky ogres, demons and '90s pop culture, She Kills Monsters offers a heart-pounding homage to the geek and warrior within us all. The floor pattern evokes the board of the game Dungeons and Dragons, provides numerous levels, traps for monsters and ramps on each side of the stage. Wild, and filled with action, the "monster" that is vanquished is the regret of allowing the people we care about most to pass without telling them how we really feel.
Addams Family Musical
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, SC
Directed by Matt Ferrell
Set Design by Anna Sartin
Costume Design by Janet Gray
Lighting Design by Daniel Gordon
The challenge with designing well-known iconic musicals is to keep from becoming derivative and trite. In this production I used light to chronicle the transformation of the families as they "blend" into the best qualities of the other.
Spring Awakening Musical
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, SC
Directed by Tod Kubo
Set Design by Biff Edge
Costume Design by Janet Gray
Lighting Design by Daniel Gordon
Spring Awakening is set in 1891 Germany. The adults may still call the shots with their uptight views, but they will not last forever. These seeds are already being planted for a new, open-minded, informed and fully represented generation! For them, every emotion is the most tempestuous, frightening, passionate or exciting one ever experienced.
Palm Beach Shakespeare Festival
Jupiter, FL
Directed by Trent Stephens
Lighting/Set Design by Daniel Gordon
Costume Design by Penny Williams
Cleopatra is seeking revenge on those who maligned her throughout history. This production restores what the Roman historian Plutarch looked past: her nobility, her tutelage, her political exploits, her economic contributions and her motherhood. This is a sultry love affair between a herculean Roman and an Egyptian queen that sparks a trans Mediterranean war.